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Press Release

Genomenon Recognized as Top Precision Medicine Solution Provider

December 8, 2020 Ann Arbor, MI

Genomenon Recognized as Top Precision Medicine Solution Provider

Healthcare Tech Outlook Places Genomenon at the Forefront of Genomic Interpretation

Genomenon Inc., a leading genomic health IT company, today announced that Healthcare Tech Outlook has recognized Genomenon as a Top 10 Precision Medicine Solution Provider for 2020. The honor is due to its innovations in genomic intelligence for both pharmaceutical research and clinical diagnostics.

Healthcare Tech Outlook advises healthcare decision-makers around the world, giving them critical information on adopting, innovating, and building new programs and approaches to enhance their capability to provide care. Read the article about Genomenon on HealthcareTechOutlook.com.

“We are revolutionizing the way genomic information is searched, made available, and understood,”
– Mike Klein, CEO of Genomenon.

Genomenon’s Mastermind Genomic Search Engine is an evidence-based interpretation tool, which provides immediate insight into of millions of scientific articles and supplemental data on every disease, gene, and mutation found in the literature. Mastermind is used by hundreds of diagnostic labs around the world in the diagnosis of patients with rare diseases and cancer.

Genomenon also is a leading provider of genomic data to pharmaceutical and biopharma companies enabling them to understand diseases at a molecular level.

Researchers use Genomenon’s data for drug discovery, clinical trial stratification and companion diagnostic development – especially in the areas around rare genetic diseases and cancer.

“We’re on a mission to save and improve lives by making genomic information actionable.” said Klein. “What an honor to be recognized for the significant impact we are making in the practice of Precision Medicine.”


Genomenon is a genomics intelligence company dedicated to improving the quality of life of genetic disease and cancer patients by making genomic information actionable. Blending the power of AI with the precision of genomic expertise, the company empowers pharmaceutical companies and the clinical diagnostic community with empirical genomic evidence and insights that both support the development of novel therapeutics and speed diagnostic assessments and treatment recommendations.

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